Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tis the Season!

Christmas season!  A wonderful time for us all to exchange gifts and love and punches and...what?!  Yes, punches. Have you ever thought it ironic that a parent almost knocks someone out for a doll that their daughter always wanted, only to turn around and talk about the "joys of giving!"?  Christmas season has become a season of contradictions.  This is the season to share, but I will steal that toy out of your cart if it's the last one.  Christmas fills me with happiness and joy but I will hurt you if you get in the way of my Christmas shopping.  I'm not bashing Christmas (I love getting and giving gifts too), but we have commercialized a personal thing.  This is a time to spend with family and the gifts are just a bonus.  Plus, we're forgetting the reason that we have a Christmas: Jesus Christ.  Even if you don't believe in Him, He's the reason we have a holiday such as Christmas to celebrate.  Now  with out further ado, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!  Eat all the delicious food and desserts you can! :)  Here's a video to put you in the Christmas Spirit:


So like I said before, this semester I took a photo class, and absolutely loved it.  I am deeply in love with photography now :)  I had to take a lot of different pictures for the class, because let's face it.  I'm not that good when it comes to developing pictures(I messed up a lot of my prints).  Even though I'm not the best at photography, I learned a lot of different things while in the class.  For instance how to make pictures look interesting.  You'd be amazed  how many ways you can set up one picture.  Anyway I decided to share my love.  I particularly like black & white photo, but both black & white and color photo are beautiful.    






(Warning: The music can get annoying on some of these videos.  If it does mute it.)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

That's Really A Law?!

So, my sisters and I decided that for the October group post we would post up some stupid and/or ridiculous laws that we found for each state.  We spent hours looking for them, and these are the laws we though were pretty funny.  There are quite a bit, so you don't have to look at all of them, but we hope you enjoy!


-In Alabama, It is illegal to howl at ladies within the city limits.

-In Alabama, You must have windshield wipers on your car. (But you don't need a windshield.)

-It is illegal to stab yourself to gain some one's pity


-In Anchorage, Alaska, No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car.


-It is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas while in Arkansas


In San Francisco, California:

-No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.

-Persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down any street.

-Prohibits elephants from strolling down Market Street unless they are on a leash.


-In Connecticut, You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour

-In Connecticut any dogs with tattoos must be reported to the police

In Devon, Connecticut:

- It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.

In Hartford Connecticut:

-You aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.

In New Britain, Connecticut:

-It is illegal for fire trucks to exceed 25mph, even when going to a fire.


-In Delaware you may not sell dead people for money without a license.


-A women can be fined (only after death), for being electrocuted in a bath-tub because of using

self-beautification utensils. (*blinks* You get fined for killing yourself on accident?)


-Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

-You have the right to commit simple battery if provoked by "fighting" words.

-Cars are not to drive on sidewalks

In Marietta, Georgia:

-Though it is illegal to spit from a car or bus, citizens may spit from a truck.

In Quitman, Georgia:

-It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road.


-It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid's ears.

-No one may throw an old computer across the street at their neighbor.


-Ice skating at the Riverside pond during the months of June and August is prohibited.

-You must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile.

-You may be convicted of a Class 4 felony offense, punishable by up to three years in state

prison, for the crime of "eavesdropping" on your own conversation


-If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

-Pedestrians crossing the highways at night must wear tail lights.


-In Lexington, Kentucky, you are only considered to be "drunk" when you "cannot hold on to

the ground"


-It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol

-It is not illegal to speed. (Repealed)


-In Nebraska, A parent can be arrested if his child cannot hold back a burp during a church


New Hampshire

-By law, cattle crossing state roads in New Hampshire have to be fitted with a feces-collecting


New Jersey

-No street-side trees may be planted that "obscure the air".

New Mexico

-State officials ordered 400 words of "sexually explicit material" to be cut from Romeo and


New York
-It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun

-The penalty for jumping off a building is death.

North Carolina

-In North Carolina, Bingo Games Can’t Last More Than Five Hours

-You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.


-A policeman may bite a dog to quiet him


-In Oklahoma, you can get thrown in the slammer for making an ugly face at a dog.


-In Pennsylvania, All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.

Rhode Island

-No one may bite off another’s leg.

South Carolina

-In Fountain Inns in South Carolina, horses are required to wear pants


-In Tennessee, Driving is not to be done while asleep.


-In Texas, It is legal to commit a homicide as long as you tell the person when, and how you

are going to kill them.


-It is legal for a man to beat his wife on the courthouse steps so long as it is before 8:00 pm


-In Washington, It is illegal to catch a fish by throwing a rock at it.

-If one is thought of as offensive looking, it is illegal for him to be in public during the day.

Hope you enjoyed our post.


Sunni G., Chrissy G., Nicee G.

Friday, December 2, 2011

2011 Book List

Since you don't know much about me let me tell you I am  a huge reading nut and I also like sharing. So, sharing this book list of just a few of my favorite books from 2011 seemed like the natural thing to do. F.Y.I. these books aren't in any particular order.

Cleopatra's Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter
In addition to being crazy about reading, I'm also a history nut.  So, when I read the description for this book I was very interested to read about a person in history that I hadn't even known existed.  I give this book high praise for spinning a entertaining, believable and mostly factual account of Cleopatra Selene, the daughter of Cleopatra and Marc Antony, from very sparse documented evidence.  This definitely earned a 5 stars from me.

Virals series by Kathy Reichs
Who doesn't like a good sci-fi mystery thriller once in a while?  This one is complete with genetically mutated teens, a bevy of bad guys with gun, and a healthy dose of sarcasm.  There are currently two books in the series and don't ask me which one I like better, because I'm not sure yet.  All I know is I stayed up all night to finish each of the books when I was reading them.

Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
I am a huge fan of all of this guys books for kids and have read almost all of them.  this being said it's probably no surprise to hear that I was anxiously awaiting the release of this book and I certainly wasn't disappointed when I reached the last page.  In fact, it left me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book in the series which in case you were wondering comes out sometime next fall.

Forest Born by Shannon Hale
This author is also one of my favorite s and I enjoy reading all of her books, but the books of the Bayern series are by far my favorites.  Forest Born is the fourth book in the series ans includes an old enemy from the first book, The Goose Girl, magic powers and a quest to save the kingdom.  This book will definitely be on standby in case I need my fairytale fix.

With this year coming to an end and Christmas just around the corner, I'm in the mood for making lists.  I was going to make a list of the 10 sexiest (in my opinion ) actors/singers/celebrities, but then I figured of my dad saw the list it might prompt a rather, um, awkward conversation.   So, I settled for the book list.  Hope you enjoyed it.  I f you're looking for more teen books to read here is a link to a website where you can search lists of books for the ones you might like best
Book-Crazy-Girl signing off
-Sunni G.
P.S. Shemar Moore definitely makes top 3

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Words In My Mind(a little piece I wrote yesterday)

Words swim in my consciousness and subconsciousness.  They tell me to jump in, so I do.  No, not jump in.  I dive in, put both arms first, not both feet.  Twisting myself into vibrant and vivacious flips and turns as I ready to slip smoothly in and descend into my mind.  The words swarm towards me, a motley mix of angry, excitable, feisty  pensive, indecisive, and a myriad of others that are waiting to be processed, refined, and set out on paper. But even if I spend my earthly life transferring them from my mind to a page, I'll still have a plethora of orphans waiting to be adopted into its home story.  And sometimes my words aren't tractable and they decide to run away to the unmapped territories in my mind.  Most of the time, they get lost and never find a way back.  But occasionally, they return.  And those words have the best stories to tell for they may still be young, but life has aged them.  They may still be spitfires, but they are no longer imprudent, time having taught them to be concise.  They tell stories of the battles and glories, hardships and failures, etc. that they slowly accumulated knowledge about to share later.  These are my words.  Some still are young and they haven't quite learned how to summarize, or how to be themselves.  But time will teach and, eventually tell their fate.  And all I have to do, is wait.

Chrissy G.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So one day I was sitting in science class and I saw this dude holding a paper clip..... while looking at the electric socket.  At first I thought big deal, I mean he's fifteen, there's no way he'll stick a paper clip in the electric socket.  But as I watched in disbelief I saw this idiot stick a paper clip in the socket, and all I could think is, "O my god he's such an idiot." I mean what teenager doesn't know that metal and the electric socket DO NOT go together.  Even worse was that we had to have a fire drill because the teacher thought we were having a fire.  I guess I shouldn't be so surprised though.  My cousin told his little brother to stick a fork in the electric socket because he would get super shock powers......and he did.  I think this is just a guy thing, like they think everyone boy has to stick something in the electric socket before he become a "man" or something.  I love, love, love my cousins but sometimes I wonder if they're ok.  They do some interesting things.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Page From My Journal

The Chair
Shadows play upon the walls of my heart,
giving me brief glimpses of knowledge that
something else I'm not aware of is there.
©2006-2011 ~venaglia
They allude to darker sides of myself
that are only illuminated when the spotlight
is shown on them.
silhouettes on the wall,
nothing of substance in
my grasp ... yet.
How do you combat shadows
any more than you can
talk to a character in a book,
see the wind,
or fight the ghost of an old memory
Shadows play upon the walls of my heart,
leaving me nothing but the sense
I'm not getting something just out of my grasp,
but not out of my sight
Tantalizing and torturing at the same time,
leaving me alone in my Chair.

Sunni G.

Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Most Memerable Teachers (The good, the bad, and the plain wierd)

Name: Mr.Chester*

Famous sayings:
"I will beat you like the red-headed stepchild you are."
"If you do not stop interrupting class, I will shove this pencil up your nose."
"Romeo was staring at Juliet like Chester the molestor."

Famous for:
Throwing teachers' guides at students' heads when they disrupted class by sharpening pencils.
Wearing pants so tight, they left people wondering how he could still walk.

 Name: Mr. Gilford*

 Famous for:
 Wall of Shame (This is basically a wall where he put up all the stupid things his students said.)
   - How do you spell VCR?
   - Is a car like a carriage with wheels?
   - I am not eating any dairy products, including meat. (said by a faculty member)
 Giving out candy
 Spraying kids with Super Soakers in class. (Yes, he had more than one)
 Weird bonus questions
      Q: What is definition elope, antelope, and cantaloupe?
      A: Elope= to run away; Antelope= an ant who elopes; cantaloupe= someone who can't elope

Name: Mr.Benzford*

Famous for:
Sitting you next to the people you hate the most and then laughing at your pain.
Writing like a retarded first grader
Letting the girls win almost every jeopardy game (Each question was supposed to be the same amount of points)
   Example of scoreboard:
Team Girls
Team Boys
+ 500
+ 1

*Disclaimer: The names have been changed to protect our health and safety as they might see this and try to kill us. (Oh yeah, and to protect their identities.)
Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sometimes Words Sound Different Than They Are Spelled

Have you ever read a word aloud based on how it looks only to find out that it has a completely different pronunciation all together?  I have.  You know the word ‘colonel’?  It sounds like it’s supposed to be pronounced ‘ka-lo-nel’, but it’s not.  It’s actually pronounced ‘ker-nel’.  What?!  Why would you make a word that looks nothing like how it is said?  SO I have a bone to pick with the English Language.  Please stop making words that don’t look like they sound.  I mean, think about people that are trying to learn English as a second language.  Do you really want to make them suffer?  Do ya really?  Since I’ve already berated you and scolded you, I’ll be nice and give you a couple words that you need to work on.
1.       Featherstonehaugh     pronounced Fan-shaw (really?!  You couldn’t have just spelled it that way?  It’s a real word, by the way.  If you don’t believe me, look it up.  And no, I didn’t look it up on urban dictionary.)
2.       Ghoti    pronounced ‘fish’ (okay, really now?  I know this seems implausible, but it’s true.  I had to look it up for myself.  Apparently, the ‘gh’  is a ’f’ sound, the ‘o’ has an ‘i’ sound, and the ‘ti’ has the ‘sh’ sound as in creation)
3.       Chutzpah pronounced ‘hut-ba’ (…..?)
These are just a few of them… So  yeah.  Hope you enjoyed. :)
Chrissy G.
Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Annoying People

So this semester I decided to take a photography class.  I walked into this class thinking “Ahh, this is going to be relaxing compared to my other classes”, sadly I was mistaken.  At first, all was well, the other students were easy to get along with and the teacher was always free to help.  But by the 2nd or 3rd class one of the students was taking all of the teacher’s time.  Which I personally think is amazing since he never printed or developed any pictures……  at all.  I want to know how a person can talk for 3 hours non-stop about absolutely nothing.  I mean this dude never finished a project, not even one.  Yet he was always talking to the teacher about what to do for his projects.  I have to give him his props for that, because I don’t see how a person could have so much to say about a project that does not even exist.  On top of this the dude was a douche.  He was always asking stupid and unnecessary questions, but he was also really prideful too.  He always thought he was right.  It’s like he thought that no one else could hold a candle to his brilliantness and no one could tell him he was wrong like ever.   All I wanted to ask this dude is: “how does such a know-it-all, like yourself, need to ask so many god-awful questions.” I mean I figure since he was so brilliant he would know everything and wouldn’t need to ask any questions.   Don’t you hate when you have to deal with annoying people????

Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Everybody knows that feeling you get when you're caught with your pants down (metaphorically) and the only thing you can say is AWKWARD!  Well here are some moments that I have had and maybe you can identify with them.
Hey, you know that awkward moment when:
            You almost walk into someone but don't, then can't figure out how to get around each other?
            Everyone gets the joke but you're still clueless?  Like what do you do, say you don't get it or laugh with everyone else?
            It's really loud so you shout something to your friend just when everyone else goes quiet?
            One of your friends keeps commenting on every one's looks and the person they are currently talking about overhears and turns around to stare at YOU?
            You try to give someone a high-five and they don't see you?
            You raise your hand to give your friend a high-five and they give you a fist bump?
            You're trying to hand something to your sister in a crowd and youtouch someone else's butt?
            You're sitting down and someone stops with their butt right in your face and starts talking to someone?
            Someone thinks your dating the person sitting beside you when it's actually your cousin or someone you don't know at all?
            You see someone you know, get their attention and realize it wasn't who you thought it was -- in fact, you don't know them at all?
             You're talking to a friend about someone you don't like and you find out they are related to them?

These are just a few moments that you can only laugh about when it's not you or after they're over. Hope you enjoyed it.

Sunni G.
 P.S. Check out the videos!

Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.

Ryan Higa-That Awkward Moment When

Jullian Smith-Jacquese and the Date

MutantBoyfriend- Don't Make It Wierd

Friday, September 30, 2011


Hey!!!   We thought that you would like to hear a little bit about the people behind the Mind of Three Teens; so let us introduce ourselves. 
First off, my name is Sunni and I am the oldest, smartest and most educated member of the group.  The others may try to deny it but they know it’s true.  I’m just kidding but I am the oldest.  When I first heard we had to start this blog as a school assignment, I faced it with a certain amount of dread.  But, when we finally got down to the business of actually making the blog webpage and content, I decided we should have fun with it.
My name’s Nicee (KNEE-C).  Not (Nice-c) don’t get it twisted.    Since Sunni took the smart/ educated/oldest position I got bumped down to the pretty, athletic one (not that bad a deal in my opinion).  So basically on this blog, I’m going to be like that one random person that is so random all you can do is sit back and watch in amazement.  Enjoy!!!    
As always, the best introduction has been saved for last.  My name’s Chrissy and I’m the youngest member of the group.  While these two have only a few outstanding qualities, I have them all.  That’s all you need to know.
We’re really excited to be starting this blog.  We’ll be posting something every Friday and each week we will have a theme. The posts will be made up of a written part and other random stuff (a.k.a. videos, poems, pictures and interesting quotes).  Come back soon and check us out.
© Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.