Friday, October 21, 2011

Sometimes Words Sound Different Than They Are Spelled

Have you ever read a word aloud based on how it looks only to find out that it has a completely different pronunciation all together?  I have.  You know the word ‘colonel’?  It sounds like it’s supposed to be pronounced ‘ka-lo-nel’, but it’s not.  It’s actually pronounced ‘ker-nel’.  What?!  Why would you make a word that looks nothing like how it is said?  SO I have a bone to pick with the English Language.  Please stop making words that don’t look like they sound.  I mean, think about people that are trying to learn English as a second language.  Do you really want to make them suffer?  Do ya really?  Since I’ve already berated you and scolded you, I’ll be nice and give you a couple words that you need to work on.
1.       Featherstonehaugh     pronounced Fan-shaw (really?!  You couldn’t have just spelled it that way?  It’s a real word, by the way.  If you don’t believe me, look it up.  And no, I didn’t look it up on urban dictionary.)
2.       Ghoti    pronounced ‘fish’ (okay, really now?  I know this seems implausible, but it’s true.  I had to look it up for myself.  Apparently, the ‘gh’  is a ’f’ sound, the ‘o’ has an ‘i’ sound, and the ‘ti’ has the ‘sh’ sound as in creation)
3.       Chutzpah pronounced ‘hut-ba’ (…..?)
These are just a few of them… So  yeah.  Hope you enjoyed. :)
Chrissy G.
Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.