Friday, October 14, 2011

Annoying People

So this semester I decided to take a photography class.  I walked into this class thinking “Ahh, this is going to be relaxing compared to my other classes”, sadly I was mistaken.  At first, all was well, the other students were easy to get along with and the teacher was always free to help.  But by the 2nd or 3rd class one of the students was taking all of the teacher’s time.  Which I personally think is amazing since he never printed or developed any pictures……  at all.  I want to know how a person can talk for 3 hours non-stop about absolutely nothing.  I mean this dude never finished a project, not even one.  Yet he was always talking to the teacher about what to do for his projects.  I have to give him his props for that, because I don’t see how a person could have so much to say about a project that does not even exist.  On top of this the dude was a douche.  He was always asking stupid and unnecessary questions, but he was also really prideful too.  He always thought he was right.  It’s like he thought that no one else could hold a candle to his brilliantness and no one could tell him he was wrong like ever.   All I wanted to ask this dude is: “how does such a know-it-all, like yourself, need to ask so many god-awful questions.” I mean I figure since he was so brilliant he would know everything and wouldn’t need to ask any questions.   Don’t you hate when you have to deal with annoying people????

Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.