Everybody knows that feeling you get when you're caught with your pants down (metaphorically) and the only thing you can say is AWKWARD! Well here are some moments that I have had and maybe you can identify with them.
Hey, you know that awkward moment when:
You almost walk into someone but don't, then can't figure out how to get around each other?
Everyone gets the joke but you're still clueless? Like what do you do, say you don't get it or laugh with everyone else?
It's really loud so you shout something to your friend just when everyone else goes quiet?
One of your friends keeps commenting on every one's looks and the person they are currently talking about overhears and turns around to stare at YOU?
You try to give someone a high-five and they don't see you?
You raise your hand to give your friend a high-five and they give you a fist bump?
You're trying to hand something to your sister in a crowd and youtouch someone else's butt?
You're sitting down and someone stops with their butt right in your face and starts talking to someone?
Someone thinks your dating the person sitting beside you when it's actually your cousin or someone you don't know at all?
You see someone you know, get their attention and realize it wasn't who you thought it was -- in fact, you don't know them at all?
You're talking to a friend about someone you don't like and you find out they are related to them?
These are just a few moments that you can only laugh about when it's not you or after they're over. Hope you enjoyed it.
Sunni G.
P.S. Check out the videos!
Copyright © 2011 Mere I.M.A.G.G.E.
Ryan Higa-That Awkward Moment When
Jullian Smith-Jacquese and the Date
MutantBoyfriend- Don't Make It Wierd